A theory basing on concepts from humanistic psychology, also known as the “third force” in Psychotherapy by Carl Rogers, Person Centered Theory started its journey in the Psychotherapy field in the early 1940s, in which, according to Corey (2009, p.165), “stands out as one of the most influential figures in revolutionizing the direction of counseling theory and practice”, as that was a period of time when Psychotherapy was practiced in an approach whereby the therapists had to direct, control, manage and were in a superior and “expert” position, rather than how Rogers turned it around and let the therapist take on the role of a “non-expert expert” position, in which the therapist was the “listener”, rather than the “instructor” for the client, taking the approach of being non-directive to the client’s problems and letting them take charge instead of the much used-to directive ones during that time. Rogers believed that people’s internal frame of reference was the best viewpoint for their behavior, and focused fully on the client’s tendency to actualize as the main force that brings about changes in the client, as stated by Corey (2009).
One of the main key concepts of Carl Rogers’s Person Centered Theory is Human Nature. Rogers believed that the view of humans was positive, and that they actually do have inclinations to move towards health if they felt it was possible. According to Corey (2009), Rogers firmly believed that “people are trustworthy, resourceful, capable of self-understanding and self-direction, able to make constructive changes, and able to live effective and productive lives”(p.169), and as long as there is trust between the therapist and the client, with the therapist providing the client with the three core therapeutic attitudes of congruence (connecting psychologically with the client), unconditional positive regard (showing and letting the client feel acceptance, warmth, and care without expecting anything in return),
References: 1. Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. United States of America: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. 2. Pescitelli, D. (1996). Personality & consciousness -- Carl Rogers 's person centered therapy. Retrieved from http://pandc.ca/?cat=carl_rogers&page=rogerian_therapy 3. Coyle, B. (2008). Person centered counseling. Retrieved from www.ncge.ie/handbook_docs/../Person_Centred_Counselling.doc 4. Le Blanc, P. (n.d.). Human nature and how it changes. 1(2), Retrieved from http://www.laborstandard.org/Vol1No2/Human_Nature.htm 5. Smith, M. K. (2004). Carl Rogers, core conditions and education. Retrieved from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-rogers.htm