Usually the obvious difference of a Pc and mainframes is the size. Mainframes are usually much larger room-sized units but today they can be as small as a desktop PC. A mainframe is a high-level computer used and designed for large corporations or organizations for intensive computational tasks. They are also designed for high speed data processing. Because they contain multiple processors, multiple applications can be processed simultaneously even by multiple users. There are typically multiple users connected simultaneously to the mainframe through the use of terminals. Mainframe computers are centralized and can only be accessed by authorized users. Authorized users are able to access the stored information on the system. Due to the large work load and multiply user requests, the mainframe usually has multiple operating systems. Mainframes provide large storage capacities that can exceed thirty terabytes along with memory potential extending in the gigabytes. Mainframes are very reliable in the sense that they are stable with fewer failure occurrences or entry points for things like viruses. A PC is mainly a personal computer used by only one person at a given time. A PC’s operating system normally supports one user at a time. Personal computers have a lot more versatility than mainframe computers and are usually easily customizable to fit the needs of the user. A typical personal computer has one hard drive with storage capacity of up to 500 gigabytes and ranging from two hundred and fifty six megabytes to three gigabytes or more of RAM (random access memory). Mainframe systems with remote terminals have been used in many businesses in a client-server architecture which increases business productivity in a number of ways. It provides quick access to information which increases efficiency. Information can be stored and processed in central location then retrieved by
References: 1. Advantages of a Mainframe Computer. (1999-2012). Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/info_8555697_advantages-mainframe-computer.html 2. Thomson Corporation. (2005-2006 ). Mainframe. Retrieved from http://www.bookrags.com/research/mainframe-wcs/