Yolonda Carney
September 10, 2012
SOCW-5304 Social Work Generalist Macro Practice
The University Texas Arlington
Prof. Jose Carbajal , LCSW
Personal Epistemology
What is Social work? In my opinion Social work is someone who seek to improve the quality of an individual or family life and well being.
What do Social workers do? The primary mission of Social Workers according to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is to enhance human well- being and help meet the basic needs of all people with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty (NASW, 1999). In my opinion they are there to establish a rapport and enhance motivation. Social workers are there to assist people in their daily lives with coping with relationships, their problems with themselves, and family issues. There are many different kinds of social workers, but overall they are all there to help people deal with everyday life issues. Whether it be solving personal and family problems, working with families who are experiencing domestic conflict, conducting research, working in a hospital setting helping patients and families understand difficult health care choices, working as an administrator with social services with addressing child abuse, homelessness, and domestic violence, or being involved as a social policy advocacy.
What is Therapy? Therapy is something that increases awareness in a person to help them understand their thoughts and feeling in relation to problems they may be