Bullying is something that is just as common as cars zooming down the highway. People bully each other, whether it be physical or emotional attacks, just about every day. It happens in schools, workplaces, and on the streets. Bullying is a worldwide problem that needs to stop. Bullying not only hurts the victim, but others around too. Everyone at some point in their life will experience or witness bullying take place. Bullying is something that is constant and it hurts. …show more content…
I came up with a small, but great idea. I thought that what better way to prevent bullying then to make someone smile or laugh. Ever since September 29th, I have made it my goal to help at least one person smile or laugh each day. I feel that by doing this small action, I can help someone feel good. You never know what is going on in someone's life so, by doing this simple action, it could help someone through a difficult time. If everyone made it a point to make someone smile or laugh, the world would be a brighter and happier