It is the process of making yourself look neat and attractive.
The things which you do to make yourself and your appearance tidy and pleasant.
Importance of Personal Grooming
Relation between personal appearance and image projection
Whether this is real or imaginary the most important fact is that your appearance influences the opinions of everyone around you
Your Professionalism, intelligence and the trust people form in you is mainly due to your appearance
Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance
People can make perception about your profession * Your professionalism. * Your level of sophistication. * Your intelligence. * Your credibility.
Personal grooming habits
Grooming involves all the aspects of your body:
Overall Cleanliness
It is your crowning glory. Keep it at a length and style at which you can maintain it.
Wash your hair at least once a week.
* Males: Not fall over the ears,eyebrows or even touch the back of the collar Will always present a neat appearance. Facial hair should be neatly trimmed (moustache, sideburns), beards are not recommended * Females: Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle with hair pulled back from face. Hair if longer than jawline should be tied into a bun. Should be well groomed with a neta appearance at all times Hair holding devices should be plain and of natural colours * Clip nails short, along their shape. * A healthy body ensures healthy nails. * Brittle or discoloured nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions. * Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal . * Remember to rinse your mouth after every meal * For those who smoke it is important you rinse your mouth after every smoke and use a mouth freshner * Your uniform talks a lot about your organization. * First impressions are made within the first 5 minutes