Personal hygiene tips can you keep your immune system from being overwhelmed by the on-slot of germs. Skin is an important part of the immune system for it acts as a barrier between germs and your body. Skin is tough and generally impermeable to bacteria and viruses. On the other hand, germs can enter our bodies through other areas that are susceptible to bacteria such as our nose, mouth, eyes, or a break in the skin. Common sense and following good personal hygiene tips will limit the possibility of these germs finding a way into your body.
Here are some common sense personal hygiene tips:
Wash Your Hands
The single most important way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is to wash your hands. Most infections, particularly the common cold and gastroenteritis, are contracted when our germ infested hands come in contact with our mouths. In addition, infections are also contracted through contact with another individuals whose hands may come in contact with us. Sanitation of hands up to and including the wrist with hot water and soap is also necessary. The use of a brush is recommended when fingernails need cleansing as well. Hot air dryers or a clean towel is the best method for drying the hands.Wash your hands when the following applies:
* Following the use of the commode.
* After handling other bodily secretions.
* Contact with rubbish/waste bins.
* Before and after food preparation.
* After coming in contact with animals.
* After being in contact with an individual who has a cough or cold.
* After caring for a personal who is ill, changing dressings, administering medicine.
* Caring for the elderly.
* Changing an infant's diaper.
* Before and after your duties if you are a food handler or health professional.
* Before changing contact lenses.
Take a Daily Shower or Bath
A daily shower or bath aids in the cleansing of our bodies as well as eliminating any bodily odor or bacteria ridden skin. It is recommended that