She is no ordinary woman. She dances around the house with the grace of a fish out of water, and she gets away with it. She remembers only parts of songs and movies, I found it irritating; but now all I want is to hear her sing her fragmented songs and dance all the time. My favorite memory of her is playing card games, we would play using weird accents that must be a cross between Russian, and Icelandic. I’m not sure anyone else could understand us, and frankly I am pretty sure someone would send us to Essandale if they were to see us. Particularly when we cooked a meal together and turned on the music, then the magic would really happen. Those are the memories I hold dear.I applaud my mother for her strength. My family tells me that I am like her, and if I am anything like her than I would not complain. Having a child at 18 can't be easy, growing up I know she always tried her hardest to be thebest mother she could be. Having a child with 3 diseases must have taken a pretty big toll on her, yet she learned all she could about them and provided the supportive lifestyle I needed to not let these diseases take control of me. She always tries to make the best out of a bad situation, and she has known her fare share of that. Even with battles of her own she would wipe her tears away and take away my sorrows.
Through life we learn lessons, most of them are through people we meet and situations we endeavour. I think its the small things learned that make the difference in life. I learned so many