19 January 2012
Triumphs of the Nerds 3.14159265 or pi, e=mc2 is the language of nerds. Albert, Frank, George know this language all too well. Albert is a thin, pasty, white fellow with brown hair that was always combed over to one side of is head and big thick black glasses. Albert always thought that he was the smartest only because he had the same first name as Albert Einstein. George was the complete opposite of Albert. He was a rather large fourteen year old boy with uncontrollable curly hair that molded into an afro. Then there is me, Frank, I am just your average guy. I am content with jeans and a t-shirt. You might be wondering how us three became such great friends. Well, we have been neighbors since we were born so it was bound to happen sometime. At the middle school that all three of us attend, we are known as the nerds of the entire school. It doesn’t help any that Albert dresses with Bill Nye the Science Guy with his pocket protector everyday. But, it doesn’t bother us, except for when the jocks think that they are funny and push us around and make us feel like the only thing we are good for is to let them cheat off us in class. If we don’t let them cheat off us then we get swirly’s. Besides them we really enjoy the classes. Our teachers said that we should advance to high school. But we are worried that the bullying would just get worse if junior high boys would go into high school and outsmart most of them. So, we all agreed to stick it out here for a bit longer. After chemistry class we were all walking out and Albert said to us, “I wish I could formulate a problem that would make those guys get kicked out of school or that they would get caught for all the cheating they do from us.” “It’s not like we can write down the wrong answer either so they get it wrong because so would we,” said George. I don’t know what to say except, “I agree.” As I lay in bed after I am doing my homework is when I had an epiphany. I know what to