I’d love to be an author because it really gives out my emotions. I always bottle up my feelings and keep myself quiet, but writing changes my attitude, my behavior, I feel different when writing. It gives me entertainment and motivation for creativity. I love to write, I have so much to say when writing!
According to Naviance, my writing description is originating and preparing written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material.
Finding from other websites, I read that ways to improve writing skills, or somethings required, would be by studying the ways that published writers express their opinions. Read articles, identify the writer’s opinion(s),
and notice how the writer addresses possible objections to the opinion, if the writer discusses these.
Of course, being a writer, you have to write. Other than that, other tasks and activities a writer can do or is required to do is learn new things, read, and promote me as an author or my book/novel.
As for the wages, in California, the average amount a writer makes is a whopping $83,620. Down to ‘10% made at least’, it shows to be $127,080.
Overall, I’d still love to be a writer/author. As much as I am not a big fan of reading, writing is a very different experience for me. I feel more powerful and open with writing. If it’s a novel I’m writing or a play, then I’m all for it. I just love the generalization of writing, the freedom it gives me to have a voice and express myself