it is harder for them to adapt there.
I think that the food is way different in Mexico than in America.
In Mexico they have different tastes. Over there personally I think the food is better they make food that they don't make in the United States. Like tortas, chilaquiles or traditional mexican food. Language is a major part of culture identity it expresses the way of life of a certain culture. Like me I can speak two different languages I am bi lingual. I identify my first language that I speak is Spanish my second language is english. To my friends and brothers I speak english but to the rest of my family I speak spanish. Language is a main part of culture identity but culture identity could change with citizenship. Music also plays an important part in culture identity it impacts a lot. Music expresses how someone is feeling. There is different type of music comes in different types of languages like Spanish, English, French, Portuguese. Music can change interests or beliefs music is able to shape …show more content…
Sometimes because of your culture, religion or race it can cause conflicts. One time i tried joining a club i when i got there they did not accept me because of my race. They told me that because that i was mexican i could not be apart of the club. My parents were furious because of how disrespectful they were they started arguing my parents saying bad words in spanish i was mad to so i said some things too but i don?t regret it one bit they deserved that for not being equal to others races that only one race can only join that is the most absurd thing i have heard in my life. Then this other time in school these kids used to bully me because of my race. I was younger and these kids used to tell me go back to my country. When i came from mexico i could not speak english so i really didn?t know what they were saying but i saw them laughing so i immediately thought they were laughing at me. They did not stop there they told me i had no papers or i am an immigrant or how did i jump the border. It was really annoying but i ignored them until they stopped bothering me about my race.
Culture impacts us in many different ways one way it affects how we live how we think about things.
It changes our behavior and style and our language. It also impacts how we negotiate things or how we conduct work. Fashion has a big impact on the world fashion defines a part of culture it has a big effect on lives along the society as a whole defining style and culture. Social media impacts culture to there is a lot of things in social media that impact people's views on other people?s culture. Sometimes someone those some so absurd that other people start blaming it on the person?s culture, race or religion. Or how the courts system is messed up two people did the same crime but one of them because of their race he only got two months in jail but the other person got 29 years in jail how is that fair just because of the person?s race the get more time to spend in jail that is not fair the should be equal and get the same
Some people get treated different because of their culture, race, religion the world isn?t fair. People make fun of other people for their beliefs or the way they look or when people make fun of the music they hear they think it?s weird or disturbing. I am proud to be how i am, proud about my race, my religion and proud of my culture. I don?t care what people think or say about my culture i?m proud to be who i am how i was raced by my family. Do you really want to live in a country full of racist ignorant people who don?t have anything better to do with their lives that only offend people because they're different than them just because they are not from America doesn?t mean they are bad people. ?Achievement has no color?. Abraham lincoln said that for equality.