As I continued to watch, I smelt my sister’s perfume, flowery and old, and had to fan it away with a nearby book. When I managed to get my attention back to the news, the alien and the president were speaking to each other. The alien was very strange in appearance, being a azure blue with rough, scaly skin. It had a large, armored tail and its head vaguely reminded me of a crocodile. It stood on two long legs, which ended in lizard talons for feet, and its arms were spiky in the shoulder region, and seemed muscular. The alien stated that it would like a peace treaty with our kind. After the president, who actually seemed calm and composed, signed the peace treaty, more alien crafts arrived and landed in every state of America. Soon humans and the aliens were sharing technology and research. My family and I loaded into our old car and drove to town, where we met one in person. The smell reminded me of a swamp. He smelled of fresh water, mud, and a very obvious fish smell. He talked with a gurgled, low voice with an accent I could only describe as French mixed with Cockney. He introduced himself as Xavianuliak, but he requested we call him Xavian. As I shook his hand, I noticed that it was quite slimy and moist. The bony skin is actually a lot slimier then one could imagine. Doesn't help that the slime
As I continued to watch, I smelt my sister’s perfume, flowery and old, and had to fan it away with a nearby book. When I managed to get my attention back to the news, the alien and the president were speaking to each other. The alien was very strange in appearance, being a azure blue with rough, scaly skin. It had a large, armored tail and its head vaguely reminded me of a crocodile. It stood on two long legs, which ended in lizard talons for feet, and its arms were spiky in the shoulder region, and seemed muscular. The alien stated that it would like a peace treaty with our kind. After the president, who actually seemed calm and composed, signed the peace treaty, more alien crafts arrived and landed in every state of America. Soon humans and the aliens were sharing technology and research. My family and I loaded into our old car and drove to town, where we met one in person. The smell reminded me of a swamp. He smelled of fresh water, mud, and a very obvious fish smell. He talked with a gurgled, low voice with an accent I could only describe as French mixed with Cockney. He introduced himself as Xavianuliak, but he requested we call him Xavian. As I shook his hand, I noticed that it was quite slimy and moist. The bony skin is actually a lot slimier then one could imagine. Doesn't help that the slime