hospital had done for us. The doctors and nurses made all the difference. I can’t imagine my grandfather would have been able to hold on as long as he did without the medical staff. They were so wonderful to all of us, as a family, and I am truly grateful for all they did. “You just need to expose yourself, you know? Really get yourself out there. That’s how you find out what you want.”, Margie Grier told me in her office. Personally, I’ve always struggled a bit with “getting myself out there” and deciding what it is exactly that I want out of life. The one thing I am certain of, however, is my passion to make a difference for other people. Seeing firsthand the way the nurses dedicated their efforts to patients such as my grandfather, was extremely moving. That experience inspires me to be there for those in need, the way the nurses were there for my family. I’ve always seemed to be drawn to science and how the human body works. I’m currently enrolled in AP Biology and CP Chemistry. It’s very interesting to me to understand how the body works, even on a chemical level. Last year I took an Anatomy and Physiology class which I greatly enjoyed. I learned so much about body structure and the way it functions. Additionally, I was involved in EMT 1, where I formed a basic foundation of skills I will need for any career in the medical field. I know how to monitor a pulse and blood pressure, maintain a spinal cord in a stable position, as well as make basic assessments to a patient’s condition. This class encouraged me to become CPR certified. I think it’s amazing that I hold the potential to heal, and possibly save, other human lives. Although I have a great desire to understand the human body, and apply this knowledge, I have many concerns for the future.
Talking with an actual nurse was very comforting to me. I interviewed Margie Grier, a nurse at St. Luke’s Woman’s Clinic in Boise. Her experience in the field and knowledgeable perspective were enlightening. She made it clear that I don’t have to figure it all out at once. “There’s so much pressure on people your age to choose a college and decide what career you’re interested in. I don’t think you need to know everything right now. I mean of course it’s a good idea to have a plan, but don’t be afraid to be flexible and start over. When I first went to college, I majored in history, and look where I am now” (Grier). There is a wide range of different directions you can go in the medical field. Although right now I am focusing on nursing, I don’t want to miss any opportunities by being to stuck to the idea. Nurses also have multiple fields they can focus in. In this way, the job stays very exciting and adaptable as you can specialize in new fields. Grier herself used to be a cardiac nurse, but then later became an obstetrics nurse. I haven’t quite settled on where I will specialize, but I’m open to exploring all of my …show more content…
options. During the interview, Grier also shared with me what it takes to be a great nurse, and health care provider in general. When I questioned her what qualities are most important for a respectable nurse to have, she immediately responded, ”patience”. The job is not always easy, and like any career, there are frustrations to be dealt with. Often sick and injured people act out in inappropriate ways. It’s a very human response for someone in pain to be angry or afraid, which sometimes can be an obstruction to work closely with. She also told me that unfortunately there is sometimes a preconceived hierarchy that patients view nurses as inferior to physicians, which of course can feel demeaning and irritating. Nurses work just as hard as doctors, and both rely on the other. Not all patients realize this. Additionally, language and cultural barriers are frequently incurred. Grier said sometimes people have religious beliefs that you have to be sensitive to while caring for your patient. Regardless, these are things all nurses must learn to push aside, and focus on giving the best care possible. Although I am human, and likely to get just as frustrated as anyone else, I believe myself to be mature, and I think I would handle myself well in such situations. She also accredits her success in the field to teamwork. As a nurse, you have to be able to work alongside other nurses as well as physicians. Above all, she emphasized the necessity for her to be responsible and self-efficient. The action taken, or not taken, directly effects the patient. Health care givers potentially hold the lives of others in their hands. It is essential for me to be accountable or myself. I am not discouraged by these challenges though. I believe that despite the rough patches, the satisfaction of helping others is immensely satisfying. Nurses require incredible amounts of passion for caring for people. Even if every patient I encounter is not a life or death situation, I still find it amazing to have the opportunity to improve someone’s quality of living. Being a nurse often provides the chance to form relationships with your regular patients. Grier explained that one of the best parts of her job, was being able to see the progress someone has made with your help. Nurses have many duties, which can differ field to field. Typically, nurses are expected to gather basic information from patients, including their medical history, and current ailments and injuries. Additionally, as a nurse I would be expected to perform physical exams, and educate my patients. I then shall interpret this information, to make the accorded treatment, such as wound care, medication, and so on. Doing all of these tasks require one single component; compassion. All of these tasks must been done with kindness and patience in my actions. I believe the best care is given by a doctor who is truly invested in the well-being of their patients. Without the passion for making a difference, this career would be meaningless to me. There are multiple routes one can take to pursue nursing. To complete my undergraduate, I plan to earn a degree in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I am applying to multiple colleges, out of state and in state, but for now I am focusing on Northwest Nazarene University. They have an excellent nursing program, and I am friends with some of the students there, who recommend it highly. This is a four-year degree, which prepares students to participate in a general healthcare environment. This path usually ensures better job prospects compared to having an Associate’s Degree in Nursing or a diploma. It usually focuses on psychology, human anatomy, and physiology for the beginning two years. My preparation through taking college level classes in high school will be very helpful in this area, as I already have a strong background with the material. The next two years, go deeper into topics such as nursing theory, and physical and behavioral sciences. After completing the required education, the next step is to obtain a license. To do this you must pass the National Council Licensure Examination. This exam determines if you are capable of performing in a nursing setting. Once passed, I would be considered a registered nurse. Depending on if I stay in Idaho, I would apply to local hospitals. Afterwards, I would like to complete a graduate program. I plan on obtaining my Master of Science in Nursing degree, to further my education and open the door to more advanced positions in the health field. Of course, it is important for me to take action now to secure my future.
Grier advised me on how to begin my career in healthcare early, as well as how to make sure nursing is the right fit for me. “Get yourself into the medical setting as early as possible. It would be great for you to volunteer at a hospital. Not only can you see firsthand if this is something you’re interested in pursuing, but it shows initiative to future colleges and employers. I also recommend shadowing a nurse as soon as you can. There’s nothing worse than seeing a student fresh out of college, who realizes that this job isn’t for them when they’ve already put so much work in. Classroom work only gets you so far, you need hands on experience to really know if this is the right fit” (Grier). I think volunteering at a hospitable would be beneficial for me, as I would be able to assess the environment myself, rather than read about it from textbooks. I’m looking into volunteering at nearby hospitals during my senior year, so that I can become as immersed as possible in the medical field. Furthermore, I’m trying not to restrict myself to just nursing, as there are multitudes of paths I can take, that I can apply my love of caregiving and human sciences
into. I am very excited for my future and the promise that it holds. I have the power to decide my own path, and I know the medical field is right for me. Nursing presents itself as a fulfilling career opportunity, and I cannot wait to prove myself. I can integrate my love for knowledge and interacting with other people, in a constructive way. Confidentially, I can say that if my grandpa was here, he would be proud of me. Even more importantly though, I know I will be proud of myself as I continue this path. It will not always be easy, but I welcome the challenges, as well as the blessings that will follow as I make my transition from child, to adult.