I knew how much work I had done, yet the space still seemed like an old antique shop filled to the brim with an assortment of useless belongings. I did not know what was missing, so I turned my attention to the trusty internet. While seeking answers to my dilemma, I found that many people had inquiries that were similar to my own; I was not alone in my pursuit of decluttering. Because I was not sure what exactly I was looking for, I ended up clicking on a link with information about a practice called minimalism. I had not been familiar with the term previously, and researching different minimalist lives was one of the most eye opening experiences I had ever had. As I explored deeper and deeper into bare minimalism, I established that living a simple life was something that strongly appealed to me. Maybe I didn’t need….maybe I could just live off of the bare minimum. It was not a just another method of decluttering, but rather a lifestyle that I was in dire need
I knew how much work I had done, yet the space still seemed like an old antique shop filled to the brim with an assortment of useless belongings. I did not know what was missing, so I turned my attention to the trusty internet. While seeking answers to my dilemma, I found that many people had inquiries that were similar to my own; I was not alone in my pursuit of decluttering. Because I was not sure what exactly I was looking for, I ended up clicking on a link with information about a practice called minimalism. I had not been familiar with the term previously, and researching different minimalist lives was one of the most eye opening experiences I had ever had. As I explored deeper and deeper into bare minimalism, I established that living a simple life was something that strongly appealed to me. Maybe I didn’t need….maybe I could just live off of the bare minimum. It was not a just another method of decluttering, but rather a lifestyle that I was in dire need