Clark Murdock, the boy living the american dream actually had real problems. Sian had heard so many things about clark since they started high school but no one ever said he had a sister, they only talked about how werid he was. Sian smiled. "Why are you helping Malik ? Alex bullied you since 5th grade. You should hate him." She waited for his answer. "I dont hate him. I just dont have the effort too, to be so angry over him seems like a waste. He is missing, wheather hes kidnapped or a runaway, he desereves help." He started to swing. " Why are you angry with baze ?" "Honestly ? The boy acts as of the world is out to get him. He makes his problems seem worse than mine like its a compotion or
Clark Murdock, the boy living the american dream actually had real problems. Sian had heard so many things about clark since they started high school but no one ever said he had a sister, they only talked about how werid he was. Sian smiled. "Why are you helping Malik ? Alex bullied you since 5th grade. You should hate him." She waited for his answer. "I dont hate him. I just dont have the effort too, to be so angry over him seems like a waste. He is missing, wheather hes kidnapped or a runaway, he desereves help." He started to swing. " Why are you angry with baze ?" "Honestly ? The boy acts as of the world is out to get him. He makes his problems seem worse than mine like its a compotion or