After that, I ran out of terror, hoping I would spot my village, but when I was making a turn one of them was there and every person began following. As I continued running as fast as I could visualize my tribe coming towards us, they automatically protected me and confronted them. The people appeared distraught about it, so they took out their weapons and started grasping us with no humanity. Numerous of us were dragged towards boats we abandon our home, there was nothing we could possibly do. By the time we reached their home it was morning the first “punishment” they did was hit us with a wooden paddle. Moreover, they did not treat us accurate, they transformed the way we dressed, our way of life, even converted us into Christianity. Unfortunately, I began seeing my people not fighting back, or at least tried to remember where they came from because of fear. I shall never forget the times in my homeland the different roles everyone adapted to keeping the village going. I witness a problem going on, we were getting sick, develop heart diseases, others committed suicide. Many of my people died in agony pain, with no one showing
After that, I ran out of terror, hoping I would spot my village, but when I was making a turn one of them was there and every person began following. As I continued running as fast as I could visualize my tribe coming towards us, they automatically protected me and confronted them. The people appeared distraught about it, so they took out their weapons and started grasping us with no humanity. Numerous of us were dragged towards boats we abandon our home, there was nothing we could possibly do. By the time we reached their home it was morning the first “punishment” they did was hit us with a wooden paddle. Moreover, they did not treat us accurate, they transformed the way we dressed, our way of life, even converted us into Christianity. Unfortunately, I began seeing my people not fighting back, or at least tried to remember where they came from because of fear. I shall never forget the times in my homeland the different roles everyone adapted to keeping the village going. I witness a problem going on, we were getting sick, develop heart diseases, others committed suicide. Many of my people died in agony pain, with no one showing