I was so relieved to have that solved. However, the school year was quickly coming to a halt, as well as my live in situation with my friend Angela. One too many late night entrances sent me on a one-way trip to my uncle’s house. Calling my mother relentlessly, she would assure me that I would be coming to join them very soon. A few weeks after the move, I was still curious as to why I wasn’t on the first bus back up north. School was out, and all I was able to do at my uncle’s house was watch television and sneak a phone call or two to my long distance boyfriend on his landline. I had grown tired and decided to do my own planning. I sat with my uncle one afternoon, and explained to him why I had to get back up north with my parents and brother. I was determined to go to school in New York and pursue my music, which I know can only be accomplished in the big city. He agreed to pay for a one way ticket to New York only if I made sure to stick to my plan. I arranged for my brother to meet me at the station in manhattan. Fourteen hours and many bus stops later, I had finally arrived. The journey showed me that I am capable of changing the circumstances around me. Now I am here to continue
I was so relieved to have that solved. However, the school year was quickly coming to a halt, as well as my live in situation with my friend Angela. One too many late night entrances sent me on a one-way trip to my uncle’s house. Calling my mother relentlessly, she would assure me that I would be coming to join them very soon. A few weeks after the move, I was still curious as to why I wasn’t on the first bus back up north. School was out, and all I was able to do at my uncle’s house was watch television and sneak a phone call or two to my long distance boyfriend on his landline. I had grown tired and decided to do my own planning. I sat with my uncle one afternoon, and explained to him why I had to get back up north with my parents and brother. I was determined to go to school in New York and pursue my music, which I know can only be accomplished in the big city. He agreed to pay for a one way ticket to New York only if I made sure to stick to my plan. I arranged for my brother to meet me at the station in manhattan. Fourteen hours and many bus stops later, I had finally arrived. The journey showed me that I am capable of changing the circumstances around me. Now I am here to continue