I learned that many of my professors were there to help me if I needed, I was just too prideful to let them know I was struggling in every which way. Even though my beginning GPA is not the best of my ability, I tried my hardest my last two senior years. My advisor noticed that I was much more confident and dedicated in making myself better. For myself, I would not count on letting my GPA define me. I pushed myself on finishing off strong, setting goals to make dean’s list my last year and I did it. If I had not faced those struggles, I would not be the student/person I am
I learned that many of my professors were there to help me if I needed, I was just too prideful to let them know I was struggling in every which way. Even though my beginning GPA is not the best of my ability, I tried my hardest my last two senior years. My advisor noticed that I was much more confident and dedicated in making myself better. For myself, I would not count on letting my GPA define me. I pushed myself on finishing off strong, setting goals to make dean’s list my last year and I did it. If I had not faced those struggles, I would not be the student/person I am