My grandmother and great-aunt both survived breast cancer before I was born, so I wanted to get involved at a young age, but once it came so close to me, I felt as if I had no choice. This experience demonstrated just how okay it is to feel beaten down by this disease, even if you haven't had it. When I joined the Susan G. Komen 3-day community, (twice on the Youth Corps and twice as a walker) I met survivors. I met the survivors who went through chemotherapy, but I also met the survivors like myself who experienced powerlessness while watching from a distance. That is a difficult experience in it's own right.
Lastly, this experience really taught me how to prioritize. Perhaps this isn't the greatest thing to write on a college application, but love will always trump everything else in my life. This taught me that sometimes it's okay to miss a homework assignment or a band practice sheet because your mom is in the hospital over a fever that would normally mean a sick day from work. Love is always the top priority, no matter where I go and no matter what I