I wasn't just in it to date, though. I was it in to find a relationship like my parents had. A happy, fulfilling, and joyful relationship that would last and last and last...
The Problem I Had With Dating
But, the problem was that I was so focused on a finding relationship that I didn't really focus on what kind of guy I was really dating or what kind of guy I really wanted.
Often, I would fool myself into thinking I was dating a nice guy with big potential when really I was dating someone addicted to drugs, not ready to commit, or someone with complete …show more content…
"Why do I always attract jerks?!" was something I said a lot.
Now I can see that it was the law of attraction and I was unable to attract anything else.
I felt like I deserved jerks after a while.
I felt like I was supposed to change them and make them better.
I felt like I was a strong person because I could handle someone who didn't treat me right.
How could I bring anything but a jerk into my life with that mentality?
Getting Clear On What I Want - And Asking For It
One day I had enough. My friends would always say that the perfect guy would come when you least expect it, and I decided to take that belief to heart.
I created a list of what a perfect guy looked like to me. The list was a little weird, but at the time it was very important to me because I had learned who I was and what I was looking for. So, it went like this:
Must have a …show more content…
And, with hindsight, he has one quality on my list that I didn't really know at the time. He is the most accepting person I have ever met in my life. He never puts me down. Never tells me I'm doing something wrong. He lets me be me at all times, and I love that about him so much!
The Law Of Attraction And Me Finding Love
Ask, believe, and receive. These are the three elements of the law of attraction that everyone talks about. And without knowing it, I used them to find the perfect man for me.
There is a reason a list works so well. It helps you clearly see what you want (ask for it) and gives you hope that you are going to find it (allows you to believe). In fact, you start to expect that you will find it without question because it is your intention! And, when you keep your eyes open, you can see the signs leading you to your desire and receive it with open arms.
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Abraham Explains Attracting A Specific Lover
When it came to finding love, I didn't have a specific person in mind. I had a list, that defined what kind of person I wanted, but I didn't have him picked