The choices my family made were little stupid things. They would either get in trouble for hanging with the wrong people. These people were people who dropped out and sold drugs. Selling drugs bought in fast money for them and they dressed well. They wore name brand clothes, nice chains and the newest shoes. My family didn’t have enough money for the stuff their friends would wear. The boys in my family wanted to dress like them so they started to do what those boys did which lead to the boys in my family dropping out of school.some of
the boys in my family got caught selling drugs and went to jail, some for a long period of time some for a short period of time. The boys that sold drugs was around my family a lot so some of them would date the girls in my family. The girls would get pregnant by some of the boys at a young age and drop to take care of the baby.
Even though the choices my family made to get in trouble with the law was either because they did not have the right guidance. The kids of the parents that didn’t make the right decision felt like since they have the last name of someone in the system that the system was going to see them the same way. They think they don’t have a choice and that they have to do the same thing as they parent. So if everyone in the family keep making the same choice as their parent everyone will be going the wrong direction. I want to be the first one of my generation in my family to turn the train around.
First thing I have to do is to let my family know that it is okay to finish school. Finishing school and starting my career will show them that there are other ways to beat the system.