After my incident in Hawaii with the shark and the purple ink that is still on me, I decided that I was going to go to Las Vegas. I was tired of my peers in Hawaii so I am moving. I told all the people that I liked (which isn’t very many) that I was moving to Las Vegas. Some were upset and some were happy, that same day I moved. I didn’t take anything with me, I just left. On my way there I ran into this person and asked me to make a wish. I told him that I want to be able to live out of the water and walk. He is “okay, abra cadabra” then poof, I was a fish that could live out of the water and walk. …show more content…
I finally got to Las Vegas it was a sunny and warm day.
I checked into a hotel called Bellagio, I was staying there until I could find a house. I checked into my room went to look at it, then I went back down to the lobby. I was looking for a place to eat, then all the sudden there was a purple polar bear that walked in. I followed it up to its room, but I was acting like I was going to my room. But it worked out well because his room was right across from mine. I was looking out that little hole in the door to see when he left. He took the elevator and I took the stairs so I would get there faster. We were both looking at the poster to see what was around us. Then we started talking and he asked for my name, I said, “my name is Leroy, what is yours”. He said “my name is Howie” Then we both agreed to go do something in town
together. We decided to go to the pet store to see what they had. We found a lot of cool animals in there. But we couldn’t stay long because we were animals too, so they might try to keep us in. We were both one of a kind animal to me in Las Vegas. I was a fish that should be in the water, and Howie was a polar bear that should be in the cold. We saw this pretty cool pink parrot in there. I thought that we should get it and Howie did too. But we both knew that they wouldn’t let us buy it. We also had to get out of there quick, before they try to get both of us. We were hiding from the cashier and he went to help a Laddie in the back. We found a pair of keys behind the counter, so we hurried up and unlocked the cage. Half of the people were gone when she came back out. So she had no clue that it was us. When we escaped from the pet store, we went to McDonald’s to eat and talk. We all got a number two with a large diet coke. I asked him what his name is and he said, Juan. I asked Juan if he has always been pink. He said, “no”, he used to live in a house that had 3 kids. One day they were painting and he was on the table while they were painting. The kids started painting him and when they went to go wash him all the colors that they used turned into pink. But the paint wouldn’t come off so he has been pink ever since. Juan asked us if we have always been purple. We both said, “no”, we both told him the story of how we turned purple. After we were done eating, we went back to the hotel. Juan got a room down the hall from me and Howie. The next morning we all woke up and went to breakfast. Then all the sudden on the news we saw that there was a pink parrot missing. We knew that we had to get out of here before we get caught. So we checked out and we were walking down the street. We are going to North Korea, but we didn’t have enough money. As we were walking there was a bank, we all gave each other the same look. We are going to rob this bank and then take off said Howie and we all agreed. We snuck in there grabbed thirty thousand ninety hundred billion dollars and took off. But they had no clue that we got the money. Then we went to the airport and hijacked the airplane. We went to North Korea.
When we got there we took over the world. We couldn't have gotten arrested because we took over the world. We were the leaders now, and anybody who went against us when in prison. We were the best leaders and we could never die so we will always be the leaders.