Needles: a memoir of growing up with diabetes is a detailed autobiography about Andie growing up with juvenile diabetes alongside her older sister, Denise. Denise was Andie’s role model for just about everything and Andie wanted to be just like her. Andie knew a lot about diabetes and what it meant to live with the chronic illness prior to her diagnosis at the age of nine, since Denise had diabetes ever since Andie could remember. As a child, Andie played with her sisters insulin needles, giving shots to her stuffed animals after she used them, but never knew what role those same needles would have later in both of their lives. After Andie’s diagnosis, the two of them were able to manage their diseases together. They truly bonded in their experiences…
As I was growing up I would always try to break free, from all the violence going on around my neighborhood. After graduating elementary school, I saw the world entirely differently. Entering my sophomore year in high school I began to get caught up with the kids outside of my school. My grandmother came from Dominican Republic in 2010. She was my back bone for my motivation. The relationship I had with her was unbreakable. In 2012 all that was taken away from me when she passed away. I was so devastated that I thought my world ended I was in disbelief. The world took a pause until I took it all in. I was in such pain that all I wanted to do was hurt everyone else around me. I felt empty. A black cloud was over me that day and for the rest of the year. I decided to stop attending school. I found no reason to keep going on in life anymore. This was the worst low imaginable; now I needed time to figure myself out without my grandma.…
Have you ever had a reoccurring challenge in your life? The one that sticks out the most is my challenge to still get on and ride with my knee. Every time I ride it could be my last. I still get back on every time though.…
To accomplish my goal I did some refreshment my nursing skill and producers before clinical. I reviewed my nursing skill and procedure to refresh my brain about how to administer parental injection, the right site for IM and S/C, and size and length of needles. I reviewed my health and physical assessment videos and review my nursing skill notes how to assess head to toe and pain scale, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and CIWA Scale which helped me a lot to refresh my skills. Also, I looked up my previous clinical worksheets which reminded me some nursing diagnosis and…
She is at the gym and as she lifts the weight, she feels a “pop” and her leg buckles, she can’t stand, and she can’t bend her knee. The coach sprints over and helps her up, she can’t bear weight and she can’t straighten her leg, she is afraid, and although there isn’t pain, she comprehends the seriousness of her symptoms.…
In my lifetime,I was struggling with depression and I didn’t have very many people to talk to about it,it all started in junior high up until now.I felt like nobody liked me or just simply didn’t like me in general but that’s not the only reason I also think negative all the time.Over time I just have to learn that life is hard and I may fall down but I just have to pick myself back up.My life hasn’t always been easy I don’t really talk to many people like I use to I don’t even go out of the house anymore other than school I constantly isolate myself in my room and never come out I just trap myself in there I don’t even talk to my parents really because of this.I eventually started overcoming it I mean I still don’t talk to many people but…
With my first week of clinical affiliation from the HCR ManorCare-Pittsburgh location under my belt I can give a sigh of relief that I have gained an understanding into the early expectations that my Clinical Instructor (CI) and staff have for me. From day one to current I have been asked to handle and comprehend tasks that I discovered during my academic and laboratory learning at CCAC such as goniometry, transfers, parallel bar training (to name a few). So for me being able to translate what I have learned and apply this to my inpatient setting has been invaluable. Yes, the way they document (electronically via IPad) and use of electronic stimulation placements are slightly different then what I’m accustomed my goal will be to learn these…
So I began to imagine what the world should be like instead of the nightmare it actually was. It was meant to be a place where strangers were met with a smile, not a snarky comment on the way their hair was combed. A place where boys and girls could be interested in the things that made them smile not what was deemed appropriate for their gender, or where the solution to all of life’s problems could be some with some quick thinking and a montage or two. The reality of course being that this just was not the case and that in order to get over things, I had to understand that things were not as innocent as I had hoped they would be and that the hardest problems would end in tears. Kindness was seen as a trick to get me to lower my guard, and all victories were just a pause in the endless failures that were about to take…
Success through struggle is a story of one young soldiers attempt at something great. Through the struggles that I endure in this story of my attempts of joining an elite military organization are a testament to Army Values and the warrior ethos. You will learn that even if you do not succeed at first you will find success in other avenues. This story is not for quitters it is for those who enjoy tales that show triumph of the mind, body, and spirit.…
Before I was saved, I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle. Being the youngest in my family, I was constantly spoiled and protected. This led me to become a very prideful and ignorant child. I thought the world was great, my life was great, and I was great. Now I am not saying any of those things are not true, but my views changed quite a bit once I hit middle school. My sister had moved onto college at this point and I was alone to tackle middle school. I discovered a lot during those years but my biggest discovery was probably about my family. I learned that they weren’t the perfect figures I thought they were. My parents fought constantly and that left me devastated. On top of being spoiled and arrogant, I was also depressed.…
time for me to begin my 10 minute warming up. I move my head side to side, stretch my legs, and I begin to walk briskly. I drank my water because I need to stay hydrated. When I was ready I sprinted out like a rocket. My brother began to time me. It took me 12 minutes to finish my one mile. Once I felt that my heart was pounding, my stomach started to develop painful cramps, and my My throat was as dry as a bone. I stopped and took deep breaths in and out. I took a five minute break and finished my 3 miles by walking. Once I finished my three miles I felt proud of myself and motivated for the next days to…
Being left to fight alone is devastating for anyone suffering from any form of mental illness. If a person you know seems to be struggling then reach out and connect with them. I can guarantee that showing that you care will make a huge difference and possibly save that person’s life. When you find yourself in a position to help someone, feel blessed because God is answering that person’s prayer through you. It can something as simple as the mixed CD I made for Bob to listen in his taxi, it just shows him that he is loved and that someone still cares about him.…
“WHOA WHOA WHOA THIS IS BALONEY MAN!” that is something I say whenever I am frustrated. People have always told me sometimes the best way to learn something is through failure. People value things they have accomplished differently. Often the people whom are naturally adept at things do not realize how much of a struggle it can be for others. Many times when people have told me that if you are going to fall, fall forward. Do not let your insecurities, doubts, and pride get in the way of improving yourself. In brief, there can always be a way to improve yourself.…
I was four years old when my life came to a crashing stop. I have had people tell me that there is no way that I could so clearly remember something that happened to me at just four years old. My family has filled in some details for me, but there are things that I remember as if they only happened yesterday.…
My life turned around, I thought I was going to suck at diabetes and die or somehow end up without a limb. It then taught me to thrive and bounce back because of the challenges it brought. I know it was appropriate because I stayed calm the whole time just for my mom and I wouldn’t have changed it cause I didn’t care how scared I was, I remained calm for my mom because she thought I was in so much pain. Honestly, now I go throughout my days like a normal kid and now I can manage my disease by myself but it just taught me that anything is possible but I go to learn how to adapt and thrive in new conditions. I believe it connects to the be ready for anything and be ready to adapt and thrive theme because I had no idea what was diabetes but…