*Beep beep beep* I hear the unthinkable. The hospital heart monitor hooked up to my own flesh and blood. She ripped her liver open, my uncle shattered his cheek bone in several places and my mom’s friend involved in the accident to has a broken foot. Lets recap the horrible weekend we all had on that mid-snowy night.
It was a rough snowy midnight on base in Ft. Drum New York (not the city.) They were next door at my mom’s friend mindy’s house getting drunk having a blast. My dad was active duty in the army unit (88 Mike) down in iraq at the time, my aunt was with her boyfriend on the way to the hospital first. Me my brother Aaron, Kayla, Evangelina, and James were hanging out doing our own thing. I remember being yelled at for not cleaning up my toys and videogames I still remember the tears of anger running down my face. “Smash …show more content…
We decide to stay a while longer then head home for school. We are anxious to even think about the night of the accident but it’s glued to our minds but we make through the day and head to the hospital. We go to the hospital again and again until she is able to walk. I ask her “how do you feel?” She says “i’m fine son.” Me, Aaron and Kayla talk to her on the way home, we get home and uncle is there. I saw his face it was All black and blue with stitches from the surgery. Uncle didn’t want us to see him he thought we would be scared of him. A few months have passed she is still a little sore from it, she finally tells us “I almost had to go into emergency surgery because they couldn’t get me to stop bleeding.” and dad has come back from Iraq the snow has piled up 19 inches high. The doctor said she couldn’t lift more than 50 lbs. She helped us shovel the snow such a good mom she shouldn’t help us she still did such a sweet