I began to interact regularly with my extended family and familiarize myself with the antiquities of Peru and Bangladesh. These histories, which I once attempted to ignore, now innately fascinated me. The most prominent insight gleaned while educating myself about my cultures however, was that they weren’t so different after all. Over time, I integrated various aspects of my heritage in its entirety. At the core, my cultures were intertwined. It was not solely one or the other that helped define me, but an amalgam of the
I began to interact regularly with my extended family and familiarize myself with the antiquities of Peru and Bangladesh. These histories, which I once attempted to ignore, now innately fascinated me. The most prominent insight gleaned while educating myself about my cultures however, was that they weren’t so different after all. Over time, I integrated various aspects of my heritage in its entirety. At the core, my cultures were intertwined. It was not solely one or the other that helped define me, but an amalgam of the