through my brain. All I did, to begin with, was set a goal. My goal was to ace the next test. I knew that in order to accomplish my goal, I would have to change my fixed mindset into a growth one. It was challenging at first when trying to understand the difficult content in class and how to do my assigned homework. After a few weeks, I was feeling more eager to finishing my homework. I was happy with some improvements in quizzes that I took. By actually doing what I was supposed to do like studying, my grade improved and my attitude towards homework changed. This new habit I had of complete things helped me realize the difference setting a goal can make.
Since I forced myself to stay motivated throughout the unit I was learning, I improved. I understood most topics in the unit, and I was ready to ace the test. I managed to actually get an A- and bring my grade up by a lot!
By having a growth mindset, I changed my habit of procrastinating. Shooting for a goal must be my best accomplishment because if I didn’t look for a goal, I would probably still be lacking on school work and other things. I believe that if you keep your mind on a goal and have a growth mindset with anything in life, you can achieve it.