I observed many things while attending New Venture Christian Church such as the differences between the pastor and the interpreter, and how the worship songs were signed. I enjoyed seeing how quickly the interpreter was signing the pastors message, and was surprised how she never missed what was being taught. Although I have seen New Venture Christian Church’s service being signed before, it was a totally different experience to sit in the section with the interpreter and sign with those around me. Throughout the service at New Venture Christian Church, I learned several new signs from worship songs, the pastors message, and conversations before and after the service. Some of the signs that I learned include the sign for savior, king, resurrection, grace and
I observed many things while attending New Venture Christian Church such as the differences between the pastor and the interpreter, and how the worship songs were signed. I enjoyed seeing how quickly the interpreter was signing the pastors message, and was surprised how she never missed what was being taught. Although I have seen New Venture Christian Church’s service being signed before, it was a totally different experience to sit in the section with the interpreter and sign with those around me. Throughout the service at New Venture Christian Church, I learned several new signs from worship songs, the pastors message, and conversations before and after the service. Some of the signs that I learned include the sign for savior, king, resurrection, grace and