As I walk into the conference room, first shift was already giving report to Josh, the other CNA on my hall. The ladies on first shift talked about how the residents were, and if there had been any …show more content…
Josh decided that he would do the “lift residents”; I was very appreciative and said thank you. He also agreed to take care of the “bananas” room. By 8:30, I had finished round 2 and I needed to start giving the residents their snacks. Walking into the rooms of those who were still wake, we distributed the snacks and pulled the curtain as to not disturb those sleeping. After distributing the snacks I walked into the conference room and grabbed the green binder to chart our activities for the day. While charting I think to myself, “thank the Lord I have a break”.
Round 3, Josh and I went to each incontinent room to see if they need perianal care. As I walk into the first room, Mrs. Daisy smiles and states “I need perianal care” I respond with “I know that is why I am here to help”. Reaching the end of the hall, I grab the smelly trash and dispose of I outside.
After giving our report, we were free to leave. Once I gathered my things from the conference room, I walked to the break room for the last 10 minutes. I jumped up when it was 11:08; time to go home. When I got to the time clock I was relieved to be going home. Walking out I remembered even though work is rough some days, I am there to help