Kreutzer. Dr. Kreutzer was an expert in cardiology and if I needed to have surgery she would be doing it along with the assist of other doctors. It took a while but eventually, she came in. She said that she looked at the tests and I would not have to have open-heart surgery, but I would still need to have surgery. I was completely petrified I did not want anyone cutting into me or going near my heart. “They will go in through your leg,” she explained, “and then up into my heart where the patch will open like an umbrella and cover the hole.” So my parents scheduled a day where we would go in and they would do the …show more content…
Later in the day I started to wake up. I felt very tired and sore. I grabbed my teddy bear and saw that they had dressed her in scrubs. Once I was completely awake we ordered food from a company in the hospital called Moose on the Loose. But before I could eat my food, I had to take a baby aspirin. It was orange flavored and I hate orange. But I somehow managed to get it down. After that I could eat my food. I ordered pancakes, jello, ice cream, and a water. I stayed overnight so they could monitor my heart and make sure everything was going accordingly.
The next morning they checked me one last time before I was released out of the hospital and could go home. I was as happy as a child on Christmas morning, The took me out to the car in a wheelchair and then we drove home. When we got home I layed down and relaxed.
Now I know that having surgery is not really that bad. So if you need to have surgery it more than likely will not be as bad as you first