I resented him when I learned of all his wrongdoings and for two years I never forgave him. But only for two years, because when I was fifteen my grandpa on my dads side passed away from cancer. I had always been close to that grandpa, I had memories upon memories with him, secrets, jokes and midnight card games with him, so when he had died it impacted me immensely. I began to think about the grandpa I had left, and I wondered how my mom could have forgiven him even after all the horrible things he had done and said. That was when I realized my
I resented him when I learned of all his wrongdoings and for two years I never forgave him. But only for two years, because when I was fifteen my grandpa on my dads side passed away from cancer. I had always been close to that grandpa, I had memories upon memories with him, secrets, jokes and midnight card games with him, so when he had died it impacted me immensely. I began to think about the grandpa I had left, and I wondered how my mom could have forgiven him even after all the horrible things he had done and said. That was when I realized my