Those foolish enough to desire to be journalists later in life take journalism classes. Natural artists take and love art classes, and yet many - if not most - writers, regardless of their talents, would refuse to take general English classes if they had the choice. Students would much rather gain their English credits elsewhere. For example, those wanting to have a high GPA or to pursue higher education, would likely take an Intro to Writing AP* class, which doesn’t actually exist, but definitely should, rather than English. Many would argue against the separation of the English department, calling it useless or saying it would put many teachers out of jobs. I beg to differ, in fact, my opinion on it is almost the complete opposite. Having more specialized classes would assist students in ways that better fit their major, and separated classes would likely mean that teachers would have less students in each class, which allows them to grow better bonds with their students. Not only this, but many English teachers would be freed from having to teach the same class agenda six times per day, which would likely improve the general well being of the teacher
Those foolish enough to desire to be journalists later in life take journalism classes. Natural artists take and love art classes, and yet many - if not most - writers, regardless of their talents, would refuse to take general English classes if they had the choice. Students would much rather gain their English credits elsewhere. For example, those wanting to have a high GPA or to pursue higher education, would likely take an Intro to Writing AP* class, which doesn’t actually exist, but definitely should, rather than English. Many would argue against the separation of the English department, calling it useless or saying it would put many teachers out of jobs. I beg to differ, in fact, my opinion on it is almost the complete opposite. Having more specialized classes would assist students in ways that better fit their major, and separated classes would likely mean that teachers would have less students in each class, which allows them to grow better bonds with their students. Not only this, but many English teachers would be freed from having to teach the same class agenda six times per day, which would likely improve the general well being of the teacher