Cold, it's so cold here. I trace my hand along the grassy ground, it's dark, the smell of fire and blood fill my nostrils.
Find the Light, Find the warmth.
The two voices are pounding in my head, the screams hurt my ear. Where am I going? What am I doing?
The Beating Heart turn away. I can't tell who is saying what...which girl...they sound so familiar. I turn and reach out but all I catch is the smoke around me. The air around me is growing colder and colder, the air is becoming heavy but the smell of burning it doesn't make sense. Up and down I can't tell as I reach around, searching, praying I find something to grasp onto.
Is this a nightmare? Reality? In this world I couldn't tell you.
Don't look, …show more content…
It calls to me and I question again if this is Reality. This fire's voice calls but in a way I cannot understand. A song perhaps? Is it singing? Humming? It has the ability to turn off the girl's voices. My Heart beats faster and as such so does this flame, the blue flame fading the closer I get. Behind me I sense something barreling toward me, a sinking feeling in my stomach. This fire, I know it can protect me from what lies behind me.Forcing myself up and willing my legs I attempt to run, adrenaline courses it's way through me as I feel that prickling darkness nip at my …show more content…
His foggy sapphire blue eyes with flecks of amber flicker open for just a second and I hear him mumble before falling back asleep, curled in his sheep skin blanket. I silently curse myself for potentially waking him. A dream of fire and blood...was it a memory?
The cool autumn air seeps in through the open window of our small cottage, letting it wash over me I sit and question what exactly had happened. The war was certainly terrifying but that dark shadow thing that lurked in my...dream? It was more terrifying than the horrors that I witnessed. It was so cold I felt it in my bones, the power felt as though it could tear my skin off. I tare off my thick blankets and checked my ankles to see them bleeding. Swearing softly I hobbled over to the small kitchen and tore up one of the rags and cleaned my wounds.
Was it a memory? I wondered to myself inspecting the wounds, they were fresh, not old and left over from the war. A warning from the Goddesses perhaps? Which one...two? A