It may seem like your paying all this money for nothing but in all reality your not. The money you pay goes towards keeping the campus clean and running. Your paying so much so they can hire the best instructors. So they can to teach you all they can for what you have paid. You pay the money might as well get all you can out of it. Those are the two main reason to why you pay so much in tuition is to keep things running. The money also buys computers for labs and materials you might need minus your text books. There is maybe a handful of things that you can think of that maybe our money that we pay for tuition goes towards. It still feels like we pay more then they need us
It may seem like your paying all this money for nothing but in all reality your not. The money you pay goes towards keeping the campus clean and running. Your paying so much so they can hire the best instructors. So they can to teach you all they can for what you have paid. You pay the money might as well get all you can out of it. Those are the two main reason to why you pay so much in tuition is to keep things running. The money also buys computers for labs and materials you might need minus your text books. There is maybe a handful of things that you can think of that maybe our money that we pay for tuition goes towards. It still feels like we pay more then they need us