Snow and wind nipp the top of my exposed pale nose as I pick up confidence and speed. I let out a howl of joy as I conquer the cruel mounds of snow and ice. Making a quick turn on my board sends me flying to the ground in a knot of tangled board and arms.
AYYYAY my dad shouts as he comes gliding next to me. I can't breath, a feeling of terror whips through my body like cold wintery wind. Focusing on getting breath back, I hear my father's voice but I can’t I, won't give him …show more content…
I’ve been snowboarding for 6 years now. The majority of my friends are skiers so I decided to change it up. I bought a pair of skies from slopestyle and took to the slopes.
Face planting into the snow cracks my friends up as they patiently wait for me to get the hang of skiing. My cheeks flush with anger as my body doesn't work like I want it to.
My friends tell me that I am a very fast learner but it's hard to see improvement when everyone you are skiing with has years under their belt.
Weeks become months as my skiing skill improves vastly. I am already better than half my friends, and they have been doing it for years. I am not slow to pointing that out either, I make sure they know it.
My confidence grows and so does my ego. I become blind to the fact that I may be pushing my limits like I had so many years ago.
Unfortunately my acts of stupidity catch up to me on February, 23. I've been skiing with stupidity for some time now but I seem to be able to do most stuff veteran skiers can do.
Rushing down the hill to the cliff all my friends launched off of is sheer adrenaline. The familiar buzz in my brain is trying to tell me no, but i’ve already set my