I looked at my mom and dad, and asked what had happened. They told me that everything was alright, and that I was going to be fine. I couldn’t help but to stare in awe as I began to realize that I was ok.
All the cancerous cells had been removed from my body, and there was no more fear. I was soon released from the hospital, and allowed to go home. It is impossible to forget the lousy car ride home. It hurt to sit up straight, so I laid down in the backseat of my mom’s Ford Explorer, and proceeded to watch a movie. By the time I got home, my back was killing me. I was forced to stay on our couch for the next few days, and needed help walking and showering, since I was not allowed to do anything to harm the stitches placed in both of the open wounds. Family members and friends from school began to bring me get well soon gifts and cards. Some of my closest friends from school brought me a couple of books and a piece of paper that read “Hope to See You Soon” and was signed by all of my classmates. I never felt so loved in all my life. When I finally did return to school, which was the week after Thanksgiving Break, all of my closest friends asked me how I felt, and if I was going to feel