abilities that hackers possess these days. Your example is proof, who thinks of hacking a fish tank? If a fish tank can be hacked, then someones security system is in danger as well. Would it be safer to have a house with the usual bolt lock along with the door handle lock, or to have a security system that can be disabled and depending on how smart the system is, possibly open and unlock all doors and windows? Logan Lamb stated, "An attacker can walk up to a front door and suppress the alarm as they open the door, do whatever they want within the home and then exfiltrate, and it’s like they were never there" (Zetter, 2014). The thought of having a security system is suppose to instill a sense of safety, whereas these days it doesn't prove to be much of deterent. I believe that it's nice to have some smart things but not everything, which has the possibility to increase the potential for hacking.
Hill, K. (2013, July 26). When 'Smart Homes' Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger's House Via The Internet. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2013/07/26/smart-homes-hack/#64d28b6de426
Zetter, K. (2014, July 23). How Thieves Can Hack and Disable Your Home Alarm System | WIRED. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/2014/07/hacking-home-alarms/