I had them I heard a click the safety came off one of their guns after that three gunshots all mine, I had hit all three targets all had got fatal shots all dead in an instant. I looked at the dog it looked like he wanted to attack before I shot the three. I petted it went back to its calm state and went to search the bodies. I found 4 bottles of water with marker labeling purified on it, more pain pills, a holster for my pistol and got a rifle with a holster (30 rounds). Not even a day in and I already hate the new world I’m faced. People eating dogs making them suffer and people looking like they own go-karts decorated with skulls. I looked back the dog and started talking to it “Well boy I guess you safe now,” it poked its head up looked at me and turned it’s head in confusion, I thought about it and decided to call the dog bullseye. “How about I call you Bullseye...do you like that name boy?” Bullseye barked at me in return “I’ll take that as a yes,” I gave him a bottled water and drank one. I rested in the shade for a while. I got up and whistled for my new dog and started walking trying to create a plan, I almost done with my plan when I heard shots, yelling, and Bullseye took off towards the
I had them I heard a click the safety came off one of their guns after that three gunshots all mine, I had hit all three targets all had got fatal shots all dead in an instant. I looked at the dog it looked like he wanted to attack before I shot the three. I petted it went back to its calm state and went to search the bodies. I found 4 bottles of water with marker labeling purified on it, more pain pills, a holster for my pistol and got a rifle with a holster (30 rounds). Not even a day in and I already hate the new world I’m faced. People eating dogs making them suffer and people looking like they own go-karts decorated with skulls. I looked back the dog and started talking to it “Well boy I guess you safe now,” it poked its head up looked at me and turned it’s head in confusion, I thought about it and decided to call the dog bullseye. “How about I call you Bullseye...do you like that name boy?” Bullseye barked at me in return “I’ll take that as a yes,” I gave him a bottled water and drank one. I rested in the shade for a while. I got up and whistled for my new dog and started walking trying to create a plan, I almost done with my plan when I heard shots, yelling, and Bullseye took off towards the