My Personal Philosophy of Nursing
Valeria Gates
Walden University
A nursing philosophy explains what nursing is and why nurses practice the way that they do. A philosophy of nursing is usually created by an individual nurses for use in their daily practice. Nurses use their personal philosophy to explain what he or she believes nursing is, the role of nursing in the healthcare field and how the nurse interacts with the patient (McEwen &
Wills, 2014). A Nurses philosophy of nursing can guide him or her in practice each day.
Before one can explore their own personal nursing philosophy they must understand how nursing theories and philosophies directly affect each. The philosophy …show more content…
These problems are concerned with the nature of existence, knowledge, morality, reason and human purpose. Philosophy tries to discover knowledge and truth and attempts to content to identify what is valuable and important ( McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 25). Philosophy’s most basic level, theory, has been described as a systematic explanation of an event in which constructs and concepts are identified and relationships are proposed and predictions made
( McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 25). With that being said it is easy to see how a nurses’ philosophy can determine what type of model or theory he or she uses to guide the care he or she provides.
Just as nursing theory can help to develop a nurses personal philosophy, it is as important to acknowledge that nursing theories and philosophies both provide a way for a nurse to approach daily practice and individual patients.
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I believe that cultural competency should be the driving force behind care and that nursing must seek to address health disparities and risk reductions in doing so. As nurses as we tend to focus on patient education, interventions, treatments and diagnoses but forget about the human rights aspect and dignity of those who may be social outcasts or of inferior status.
It is my philosophy that in order to provide culturally competent care to the underserved and disenfranchised one has to have an understanding of there own value system and biases.
The health promotion model of Nola Pender is deep rooted in my philosophy because I believe as her health promotion model states, humans have the potential to change and engage in new behaviors willingly to achieve self-selected goals or outcomes. I believe that we all go through various stages when seeking to make health related changes and it is that intervention