By: Koen Roosenboom
Grade: 10A ISS
Table of Contents
Introduction pg. 3
Description of the Process pg. 4
-Research and Planning pg. 4
-Writing the first half and rewriting the first half pg. 5
-Writing the second half pg. 7
Analysis pg. 8
- Useful resources and the AOI linked to it pg. 8 - Changes in the plan pg. 9 - Techniques used in the project and time management pg. 10 - Has my understanding of the AOI grown during the project pg. 11 - Understanding and quality of the product pg. 12
- The Difficulty of the project pg. 12
Conclusion pg. 13
- Have I met my Goal? Pg. 13
- Things that I would do differently if I could start over pg. 13
-Personal lesson I learned from doing this project pg. 14
For my personal project I have decided to write a book (appendix 1) about the Dutch culture and habits. I was inspired to do this project, because a lot of people think that everyone in Holland smoked marihuana at least once a day, walks on clogs all the time and has a garden full of tulips. When I first joined ISS I noticed that everyone assumed that I loved cheese and they still do. This inspired me to do write this book, because I want people to know more about Holland and gain more respect for the country. This is important to me, because I want everyone to not always stereotype the Netherlands.
My Area of Interaction for this project will be Community and Service. I chose this Area of Interaction, because I am writing a book for the community to read. I want to inspire the community to see Holland through a different view. I want people to have more respect for the Dutch culture and its habits after reading my book. By doing this I not only help the school community, but also the Dutch community by encouraging more respect for their culture. Since I am doing this for free it is a service. I think that giving out a book for free is going to make the book more successful. More
Bibliography: Chandler, Stephanie. "How to Write Your Non-Fiction Book in 60 Days: 8 Steps Get Your Book Out of Your Head and on to Paper." Scribd. 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. <>. Linkemer, Bobbi. "How to Write a Nonfiction Book." Website Marketing Plan .com. 2010. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. <>. Reviews of Hotels, Flights and Vacation Rentals - TripAdvisor. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <>. Rooi, Martijn De, Jurjen Drenth, and Frans Lemmens. The Dutch, I Presume? Icons of the Netherlands. Weesp: N & L Pub., 2006. Print. Van Amsterdam, Herman, Jan Vermeer, Anne Marie Chardon, Jan Polman, and Caroline Visser. Holland. Den Haag: Rebo Productions, 2009. Print.