Protection of workers against occupational hazards can be achieved by the following order of priority :
1. Elimination
2. Engineering Control
3. Administrative Control
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The presence of hazards that can cause physical and health effect to workers can be eliminated by :
Substituting hazardous tool
Chemical substances and the process that are less hazardous
If elimination is not possible the hazard should be guarded or isolated from the worker. This involves imposing a barrier (physical barrier or distance) between the hazard and the worker. Local and General Ventilation is used to dilute or divert toxic contaminants from the workers.
Safe operating procedures (SOP), Shift work and training of workers can reduce the risk to the workers handling chemicals.
If it is not possible to reduce chemical hazards to an acceptable level, by either elimination or guarding/isolation, the worker should be given certain protective equipment to prevent contact of the hazards with the body. This equipment forms a barrier between the toxic and the route of entry.
Failure of equipment means immediate exposure to the hazard. Thus, personal protective equipment should not be regarded as a primary means to control hazards but rather as a supplement to other types of control measure.
Injury will occur if hazards come into contact with our body, the degree of injury are depends on the magnititute of hazards and susceptibility of person.
Respirator - designed to absorb the contaminant that come into contact by inhalation
Protective clothing, gloves, apron, goggles and shoes – design to prevent absorption of chemical splash to the skin
Safety helmet-to prevent from the sharp object falling on the head
The effectiveness and efficiency of protection depends on proper