| Personal Responsibility | | Gen /200: Foundation for General Education and Professional Success |
University of Phoenix
February 20, 2012
Authored by: Renee Jackson
University of Phoenix
February 20, 2012
Authored by: Renee Jackson
Personal Responsibility is something many of us will either run from or accept. According to Kimberly Alyn (2010), “Personal Responsibility is becoming more and more scarce in our society. People want to blame everyone else for everything that goes wrong....creating a lack of trust ….as well as lack of respect” (p. 76). It is also has the power to change the lives of others as well as our own. However, one important fact about personal responsibility, we must be willing to accept the consequences that go along with our decision to either blame others for our actions or we can accept them.
When I was reading my morning devotion by Joyce Myers (2012), she stated, “You can be filled with pity or full of power. Stop blaming others and start taking responsibility for you/our actions/behavior.” This statement speaks volumes on just how many of us will either blame others for our actions; or accept responsibility and the consequences as the result of what we have done and learn from them. For example, when I decided to return to school to make a career change, I considered the consequences and impact it would have on both me and my family. I had to accept the challenge of devoting the time to complete every assignment in a timely manner, logging on to participate in the discussion questions, and making sure that the work submitted is acceptable. I made decided not to give up no matter how challenging it became. This is the attitude I had to develop that will ensure and determine my success in completing this goal.
Prior to starting class at the University, I received phone calls from my academic, enrollment
Cited: Alyn, K. (2010). Reigniting Responsibility. Fire Service Leadership, 76-78. Retrieved from http://www.Firehouse.com Myer, J. (2012, January). Joyce Myer Ministries. Retrieved from www.joycemyer.org These are quotes from Joyc Myer’s lessons on Responsibility and the character that one can develop/display. Dey, Eric L.(2008). Sould Colleges Forcus More on Personal and Social Responsibility A survey was done to determine how important personal and social responsibility is to colleges and universities.