February 28, 2013
Martin Bergstrom
Being in Control
In order to achieve personal responsibility you must hold yourself accountable for your own actions, despite the consequences that come from those actions. You must understand that what you do impacts those around you, instead of blaming others for our mistakes and/or choices; we can accept responsibility for our own lives. In my opinion, personal responsibility is the key not only to college success, but in life as well.
As an adult, I reflect back to the teachings of my childhood. I was taught not only personal responsibility, but also how to plan ahead, make conscious-ethical decisions, and manage my time wisely. One of the most important ways to accomplish success, whether it be college or personal, is managing time effectively. Once it is gone, there is no way to get more, there is no reset button and you cannot turn the clocks back. As a student and mother, I think about the endless possibilities of college success and make rational decisions to achieve my goals. The time and effort I contribute to my responsibilities and priorities will determine success. Therefore, I approach time and responsibilities as if I am in control.
“Too many students are showing up on campus under-prepared for college; in fact, with scarcely any idea why they are there in the first place” (Long, J. 2010). Instead, most students are more overwhelmed with organizing their dorm rooms, pledging for a sorority or fraternity, and going to parties. For these students, college is a culture shock and it becomes more about fitting in and being known rather than about education, attending classes and maintaining good grades. “And, for most of them, four years later they are handed a diploma, perhaps only barely more educated than when they first unpacked” (Long, J. 2010). From experience, college is easier when you are single with little to no responsibilities; it is especially difficult when you have children and
References: Schweinle, A., & Luralyn, M. H. (2011). Success and motivation among college students. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 14(4), 529-546. Doe: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11218-011-9157-z The article is a great insight on how some college students actually think. Most of the students beginning college for the first time are scared, but their anxiety sometimes gets the best of them. Some students strive to be the best students by going to class, participating, and making exceptional grades, as for other students, they seem to get wrapped up in fitting in and college life parties. Long, J. (2010, Sep 02). Secrets for college success. Roanoke Times & World News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/749240701?accountid=35812 This is a good overview article from Roanoke Times & World News, which focuses on the irresponsible acts of some college students. A brief insight of under-prepared students is provided, as well as, a description of students’ expectations. The article is enlightening in that it gives examples of irresponsible acts among college students. On the other hand, encourages students that college is an experience that should not be taken lightly to become educated or be successful. Ellis, D. (2011). Becoming a Master Student (13th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. This is a textbook to help students become successful students. There are several excellent and pertinent chapters which are devoted to becoming a successful student. If this book is used for the purpose in which it was written, then each student should be able to manage their time, money, and be better prepared overall students. The chapter on time is effective for beginning students, as well as, returning students. Each chapter helps in some way that pertains to classes, course material, and family. Personal responsibility. (2011, Apr 20). US Fed News Service, Including US State News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/862577526?accountid=35812 This is an exceptional article from our United States Air Force about professional and personal responsibility. This article is interesting to consider in that it relies on individuals to take responsibility for all their own actions good or bad. The article further presents that individuals should not try to condone their irresponsible behavior or fall too peer pressure which promotes bad choices. As individuals we should hold ourselves to the highest standards by perfecting our personal responsibility, just as our military is required to do.