Unit 2 Theoretical Perspectives
Something to ponder upon:
Why do we need to learn about theories in personality development? How can we use theories and able to relate it to ourselves?
Definition Of Theory Different Theoretical Perspectives: A. Psychodynamic Perspective
▪ Psychoanalytic Approach ▪ Psychosocial Approach
B. Behavioral Perspective
▪ Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning ▪ Skinner’s Operant Conditioning ▪ Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
C. Cognitive Perspective
▪ Cognitive Development Theory (Jean Piaget)
D. Humanistic Perspective
▪ Roger’s Person Centered Therapy ▪ Maslow’s Theory Of Self Actualization
Discuss the different types of theories Discuss the importance of theories in developing one’s personality
A theory is an unproved speculation about reality A theory consists of a set of terms and principle constructed or applied by the theorist, which are referred to as constructs (interrelated/consistent). Theories are explanations and predictions that provide a framework for understanding relationships. Theory of personality is an “educated guess” about important aspects of human behavior, which may be based on clinical observation or empirical research (or both).
Alternate theories exist because the very nature of theory allows the theorist to make speculation from a particular point of view. All theories are reflection of their developers’ personal backgrounds, childhood experiences, philosophy of life, interpersonal relationships and unique manner of looking at world.
1- Psychodynamic Perspective 2- Behavioural Perspective 3- Cognitive Perspective 4- Humanistic Perspective
Based on the view that behavior is motivated by unconscious/inner forces, memories, and conflicts (over which a person has little control or awareness)
• Psychoanalysis theory is the earliest approach to
• Unconscious is the part of the personality about which a
the formal study of personality. Psychoanalysis