B.F. Skinner- focus to explaining personality is in factual/descriptive terms.-based on observable /measurable behaviors.-adoption of experimental method to study behaviors. BASIC PREMISE of behaviorism-personality shaped by experience. Result of conditioned stimulus & reinforced behaviors Classical Conditioning- associate 2 stimuli & response (little Albert) Operant conditioning- associate behavior & consequence. behaviors rewarded increased; behaviors punished decrease. behavior operates to produce consequence. Any response that increases a behavior. Reinforcement A. Primary- innately satisfying B. Secondary- influenced through association with primary reinforcement. Reinforcement schedules- A.Continuous- desired response rewarded everytime.when reward stops extinction occurs quickly. B. Partial-intermittent, real life behaviors, provide greater persistence for behavior resistant to extinction Law of Effect- repeat behaviors that are rewarded (reinforced), void behaviors that are punished. Shaping- gradually guide behaviors towards desired goal. Successive approximation- moving closer to desired goal. Cognitive theory- 1. clinical model- Albert Ellis& Arin Beck -thinking/internal mental sentences-more focused on describing changing2. Social/Cognitive Model- Bandura 3. developmental model 3. piaget/vygotsky Clinical Approaches- Ellis- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (rebt)- Beck cognitive theory (ct)- David Burns- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Ellis-Focus on identifying changing patterns of irrational beliefs-Functional versus dysfunctional thinking GOAL- reduce negative emotions and behaviors (self-defeating)Basic Premise 1.People upset themselves by beliefs they hold 2. Upset is caused by situation and thinking 3. No magic in change SIMPLE