Throughout his multiple visits to my office, Edgar Linton’s condition steadily improved and it can be confirmed that he longer strongly displays the symptoms of a personality disorder. Edgar’s emotional health was not always so lively: he displayed particular symptoms which lead him previously be diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder. Common symptoms of this disorder include sensitivity to criticism of rejection, feeling inadequate inferior, or unattractive, Avoidance of work activities that require interpersonal contact, being inhibited, timid, and isolated, avoiding new activities or meeting strangers, extreme shyness in social situations and personal relationships, and Fear of disapproval, embarrassment …show more content…
I had come to the conclusion that Edgar was sensitive to rejection when he had explained the circumstances of his proposal to me. Despite him not directly saying this, it was clear he had chosen to propose to Catherine during a time is which she was emotionally unstable and expressed a longing for him. Under normal circumstances this would have been an ideal state to propose in, but this was also the same …show more content…
At his core, Edgar is an introvert who comes from a wealthy family and enjoys studying. Upon analysis through his sessions, he displayed symptoms such as sensitivity to rejection, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, timidity, social isolation, and extreme shyness in social situations. These symptoms could be observed in his body language, the manners in which he spends time, social interactions, and relationships. These symptoms made it clear that Linton suffers from avoidant personality disorder: a disorder characterized by social discomfort and avoidance of interpersonal contact. However, as the sessions continued, these symptoms became far milder and he exhibited more healthy social interaction. This has left his condition quite