Many students have to take out student loans in order to go to college, students that go to public school graduates with an average debt of $25,550 to the bank. American students owe over $1.45 trillion dollars in student loan debt that’s more than the total u.s. credit card debt. Over 44.2 million Americans are dealing with their student loan debts. For example, a student is taking out student loans and the student is agreeing to pay it back between 20 to 39 years the monthly payment for that is $351 that’s a lot for a student that is going to college to take on. (fedloan servicing) All students talk about when they get out of college is how much fun they had and all the parties they went to also how much freedom that they had living without their parents. But they should tell people how much money they are paying off in student loans. Even with a good education and a steady job it still takes a person a long time to pay it
Many students have to take out student loans in order to go to college, students that go to public school graduates with an average debt of $25,550 to the bank. American students owe over $1.45 trillion dollars in student loan debt that’s more than the total u.s. credit card debt. Over 44.2 million Americans are dealing with their student loan debts. For example, a student is taking out student loans and the student is agreeing to pay it back between 20 to 39 years the monthly payment for that is $351 that’s a lot for a student that is going to college to take on. (fedloan servicing) All students talk about when they get out of college is how much fun they had and all the parties they went to also how much freedom that they had living without their parents. But they should tell people how much money they are paying off in student loans. Even with a good education and a steady job it still takes a person a long time to pay it