Eng. 095
Doing Something Crazy Ever have someone tell you that you are doing something and they ended up telling you that you are crazy or nuts, well I have. Every February for the last four years I have done the Polar Plunge and most people think that I am nuts for doing it. However, if one is not fully prepared for a Polar Plunge, it can really ruin the whole experience. It can be ruined by not having the proper items packed, also by not having a costume, and not mentally preparing for what you are about to do. By doing these few things I can be very well prepared for the jump. Doing a Polar Plunge is no small feat and do not get me wrong because this is one of the biggest highs I get. I think the number one thing that can ruin your plunge would be to not pack everything you will need to either jump in, or the cloths that you will change into after the plunge. If you forget to bring your costume, or even a part of it you may be jumping in clothing that does not look right …show more content…
I am always a fan of a mental pep talk before doing something that might scare me. I have used this many times but it just gets me to start focus on what I am about to do. Next I have seen this many times where peoples’ friends just get into their heads with saying things about how cold it is going to be or that they are going to get sick, or that it is just plain nuts. I look at it this way, I shouldn’t listen to anyone who has not done a plunge before because they really have no idea how it will be or how it will feel. I also think that just staying calm before plunging will help me focus as well. If I just tune everything out and just think about what I am about to be doing. By mentally preparing before the plunge it helps me to focus and not freak out before which happened my first really cold jump, which was this year. It mad my jump very