not only killing it but maybe causing rashes and allergies. The main safety practises that we put into place was -
Equalising the ears-
This was by far the most frequently used safety practise that was put to use throughout our stay at Rottnest.
Due to our constant interest in the marine life and activity display underwater, we kept finding our selves taking in large breaths to be able to go down and explore. Learning how to equalise my ears was a life saver, as it allowed me to get closer then ever before to the fauna and flora on the sea bed.
Treading water test -
Treading water was also used during our stay at Rottnest, as there were multiple times were friends chatted above the surface, clearing out masks, readjusting equipment and so on. So practising long periods of treading water was very good in helping ourselves getting ready for the unpredictable water conditions.
100 meter swim test -
Also knowing that a person can swim 100 meters was crucial, due to the fact that in a total distance of snorkelling around the bay, a person would have swam further then that distance. Also knowing that the persons physical fitness was up to standards, was reassuring and comforting not only for our supervisors, but ourselves and friends. It was very important to know wheather or not somebody could or couldn't swim this test, as the pool conditions would have been a lot smoother then the natural currents and waves of the
Dive flag -
The dive flag was a very important safety precaution, as it assured our safety from boats and other water vechiles. Not having a dive flag would have been dangerous, as boat drivers have come into the bays we swam at and not have seen all the snorkellers. So having the dive flag out in the water with us was a very important and safe, safety practice that we used at Rottnest.
Buddy system
The last and very important safety precaution that definitely took place why our time at Rottenest was the buddy system. This system was for land and sea, and made sure that at all times somebody was with you and that there was not case of getting lost or left behind. This system worked very well and was in use a lot during the day. Without the buddy system our safety would have been at a higher risk, however it was not due to the constant familiar face being with you the entire day.