terminate marijuana production and use inside the United States” (Rawson, 2013). People have many different views, and reasons on why or why not marijuana should be used in the United States. That is why this controversy has been going on for some time now. Some citizens of the United States argue that marijuana leads to teens dropping out of school and becoming dead beats. Others believe that partaking of the drug marijuana can not only be addictive but emotionally addictive. One of the main concerns if marijuana becomes legal is the drug trafficing in america. On the other hand people are extremely for marijuana because of all the medical benefits it has to offer. There are many arguments because people have so many different views, and reasonings. An unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents’ basement, and playing video games. A dread locks having, patchouli oil smelling, tie-die wearing, and hula-hoop twirling hippie. A burger flipping, acne having, socially inept, friendless loser. These are the common stereotypes associated with a person who partakes of marijuana. Do you ever wonder if the stereotypes are true? If you smoke marijuana does it really make you a high school dropout, a loser that doesn’t contribute to society, or a poor low-class person. Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and many more very successful people that have tried marijuana. To show this argument in retrospect I listed those three names. I listed Oprah Winfrey because she is a household name. She’s one of the most respected women in America because the way she has impacted Americans lives in a positive way. She has given millions of dollars to countless charities and foundations. Even though she has smoked marijuana she has achieved many things and marijuana never held her back. Bill Gates. One of the wealthiest people in the entire world, the founder of microsoft, and a partaker of marijuana. Lastly, Barack Obama. The current president of the United States of America. He wrote extensively about his stoner past in his book Dreams of My Father published in July 1995. In 2007 there was an interview with him about Dreams of My Father and he stated “When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” Anyone who wonders what kind of future a pothead can have should take a hard look at Barack Obama. Not only can you grow up to be ridiculously smart and influential, you can grow up to be President. Many people smoke marijuana and the large majority of people who try marijuana do it experimentally and never become addicted. ”Compared to other substances, marijuana is not very addicting. It is estimated that 32% of tobacco users will become addicted, 23% of heroin users, 17% of cocaine users, and 15% of alcohol users. Cocaine and heroin are more physically harmful and nicotine is much more addictive. It is much harder to quit smoking cigarettes than it is to quit smoking pot”(Gumbiner, 2010). Marijuana users don’t have to go through extreme withdrawals when quitting. What makes marijuana addicting is the emotional and social aspect of the drug. In a recent interview a question was asked and it was “Is marijuana addicting?”. The person responded “Yes, but very mildly addicting. When I quit smoking marijuana I had random cravings of wanting to get high. Then the second week I was very irritable, and started to resent everyone around me.” Taking that interview and breaking it down it looks like marijuana is more emotionally addictive than physically. Everyday smokers can quit at any time and won’t have to go through any physical withdrawals at all. Emotionally is what gets the user addicted. It makes marijuana use easy to compare to people who are addicted to video games or porn. Those emotional addictive activities have inabilities. Such as being more prone to resent family, or not want to go to work, to cope with personal problems and irritability. Even though marijuana may not be physically addicting it is emotionally. With physical addiction the withdrawals will eventually go away. Emotional addictions can stay with you the rest of your life. Marijuana was once used throughout the United States without any stigma.
It was like that up until the beginning of World War II. Doctors used is for medical purposes and officers in the military used it for recreational use, as did many normal citizens of the United States. Since so many Americans have tried marijuana then it must be good for something. From a medical standpoint a cancer patient which is seven year old Mykayla Comstock has been using marijuana for treatment for nausea. Her mother said “I felt like I was going to lose my child at that point. I knew I would do whatever it took to save her life, Erin Purchase said with the medical marijuana treatments, such as cannabis oil, she has her daughter back”(Yazwinski, 2010). “Prior to 1937, marijuana was a commonly used painkiller for all types of aches and pains; recently, it has been found to be effective as a pain killer and nausea-reducer for chemotherapy patients”(Rawson, 2013). It is proven that marijuana can treat migrains, it can prolong alzhiemers, prevents blindness from glaucoma, treats IBS, and can treat many more medical problems. Marijuana has so many different uses. In your regular every day Wal-Mart you can buy hemp shampoo and conditioner. You can make clothing, backpacks, bags, rope and many more products out of marijuana. This drug has multiple uses and can be used to help many people. The intent of using the drug is for good not
bad. Even though marijuana has a lot of good qualities and uses. It has many harmful attributes about it as well. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs. One major research study reported that “A single joint could cause as much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked one after another. Long-time joint smokers often suffer from bronchitis, and an inflammation of the respiratory tract. Smoking the drug regularly can physically not make it possible to have a child. Marijuana reduces a males sperm cell count, and deforming them. Even small amounts of marijuana can cause temporary sterility in men. Marijuana use can upset a woman’s menstrual cycle and even make her infertile for awhile”(Prowse, 2007). There are many serious side effects of a marijuana user and not many people are aware. The American people can’t be oblivious to the negative side effects of this drug. Advil from Wal-mart and an advil from a gas station would both have the exact same effect. An ounce of marijuana from California and an ounce from Colorado would have very different effects. Even though marijuana is generalized as one drug each strain has its own unique effect on a person. Each strain contains a different amount of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is found in two species of cannabis genus: Indica and Sativa. Cannabis genus is a marijuana plant. An Indica high is more of a “body high”. It is good for pain relief, and stress. The THC in sativa plants give an uplifting and energetic high. It is good as an anti-depressant. It can also make you energized and focused .Marijuana's effect on the user also depends on the strength or potency of the THC it contains. Depending on the strain and whether or not it is Indica or Sativa can determine how you experience your effects from the drug. Marijuana is not a drug that you can take and expect to have the same effect on you each time. It isn’t your everyday over the counter drug. Your effect will vary each time you partake of marijuana depending on the strain you have. There are many reasons why marijuana should be legal and there are many reasons why marijuana should be illegal. These arguments have been going on since the early english settlers of North America came here. Our country is the melting pot of the world. Everyone has their own opinion and everyone comes from a different backround. That is where the controversy began, but eventually there will be a meeting point. For now the controversy continues.