But instead now individuals get particle stories and false made up predictions all to shape viewers to believe a certain way. The media should just be able to state facts and fully detailed stories. The purpose of the media should be to make individuals aware of what is going on. By just stating the facts and keeping everything in place, the media will drastically decrease their bias and unnecessary persuasive opinions. Everyone has different perspectives and opinions, but it is the news job to follow through to give individuals full stories without the having the worry if there is more to the story than what is being told. In the online video of John Stossel, Scare Tactics In The Media, Stossel explains how the media shows everything that is dangerous to individuals and most time the media is wrong. He goes on to emphasize how journalists like himself have seen that showing fearful news actually attracts viewers and increases
But instead now individuals get particle stories and false made up predictions all to shape viewers to believe a certain way. The media should just be able to state facts and fully detailed stories. The purpose of the media should be to make individuals aware of what is going on. By just stating the facts and keeping everything in place, the media will drastically decrease their bias and unnecessary persuasive opinions. Everyone has different perspectives and opinions, but it is the news job to follow through to give individuals full stories without the having the worry if there is more to the story than what is being told. In the online video of John Stossel, Scare Tactics In The Media, Stossel explains how the media shows everything that is dangerous to individuals and most time the media is wrong. He goes on to emphasize how journalists like himself have seen that showing fearful news actually attracts viewers and increases