Eleven teens die everyday as a result of texting while driving. Texting may seem harmless but texting while driving can be dangerous, and fata. Its also harmful to everyone around you. Distracted driving is constantly ranking as one of the biggest traffic safety issues. According to studies in 2009, 66% of drivers from 18 and 24 send and receive text messages while driving and don't admit to it. They believe that it does not put others in harms way when that is false. Texting while driving is the leading is the largest distracting for people while driving. Phone use while behind the wheel reduces the amount of brain activity with driving by 37 percent.
One of the most obvious things that happen when a driver is texting is …show more content…
The driver drank enough to be at the legal limit of 0.08% BA. The driver's reaction after drinking averaged ti 0.64 seconds and only added 7 feet. The driverś response time while reading a text was 0.68 seconds. So it was proven that texting and driving is worse than being intoxicated and driving.
The method most people use is two hands on the wheel with the phone in front of our faces which would make it difficult to do anything besides hit the breaks. IF anything drivers would have found themselves in a fatal accident while doing this. If you need to text you should pull over to the side of the road and stop the car to help prevent accident. You will still be able to send the same message when you stop as you would when you were driving. It is important to listen to these precautions for the safety of you and the people around you while driving.
Its pretty easy, don't text while driving. Everyone thinks they are talented enough to do it but all it takes is for your eyes to be off the road for a few seconds and anything could happen in those few seconds. All the studies that have been collected are there for a reason. Many people have cell phones and text regularly on a minute to minutes basis that its hard not to send a quick message while behind the wheel. For your sake and the sake of others wait to send the message until you have stopped